Friday 22 June 2012

Great video from Lisa Eldridge about wearing a lipstick in different ways

I admire Lisa Eldridge, who is one of the great make-up artists, and her talent. I love her enthusiastic and informative talks. By informative, I don't only mean trends or this colour goes with that one but also the history of beauty or latest researches. 

Have you watched her lip pallettes video? Have you seen her excitement when she talks about them? That's what I love about her the most. I can tell she takes much pleasure in making her videos. I believe it's more important that you should love your work first, then others would appreciate it. I love brilliant Lisa Eldridge's creativity, style and make-up philosophy. I hope she creates her own make-up brand soon.

Here's one of my favourite videos of her: One Lipstick... Many Different Ways to Wear it

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